
Lyo Tech Italia

We are part of a young and dynamic group.

A know-how built on a decades-long hands-on experience and a desire to always improve led us to create a new reality made of trust and enthusiasm.
Our intention is to respond in a dynamic and innovative way to all that the marketplace requires. Fast and reliable solutions with answers from highly specialized technicians.

We deal with:

  • SCADA design and development
  • Start-up and commissioning
  • Automation and equipment management
  • Validation activities


Our path of internationality, the continuous exchange of know-how and the desire to always test ourselves with projects that become a challenge time after time, are the reasons of our continuous growth.
Growth that has been highlighted thanks to the change of our site to a dedicated place, very airy and bright, in order to continue to walk our path in the best way.
Besides the ideal site we extended our competences with figures that add skills and specializations. The result is exactly what we expected: a group that is more and more creative and a support at your service.


Our solutions respond to the necessities of industrial sector, specifically in chemical and pharmaceutical areas, and also in all that areas that need the utilities. We deal with ordinary and extraordinary maintenance in sector like: glass, composites, plastic materials, alimentary and pharmaceuticals.
We give a problem solving service in automation areas.


Our services range from start-up to validation, in order to meet our clients’ needs, responding to national and international legislations.
Decades-long experience on autoclaves, sterilizers, freeze-dryers and drying machines, but also ready for other industrial machines types.
The technic departments are daily busy on the engeneering develop of our projects.
Our approach evolved for giving you solutions that are more and more customized and meeting every specific need. We develop SCADA CFR21 part 11 FDA compliance systems.


We follow every phase from the start-up to the validation in compliance with national and international legislations.
We deal with autoclaves, sterilizers, freeze-dryers and drying machines, but we’re also ready for all the others types of industrial machines.
We have a group of technicians always ready and busy with the engeneering development of our projects. Our solutions are more and more customized.
Not only maintenance, but also re-engeneering and revamping.
We optimize your production lines with automized softwares and hardwares.


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